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what are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Written By Abdelhakim on Thursday, April 4, 2013 | 12:40 AM

what are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrbYl-q9PFIS_D2f_xYoWr8W_aP_seAN5bfZ1_biJe5_aRyXDEThe disorder usually begins slowly. You may have a crampy stomach pain and diarrhea that is sometimes bloody. In the worst cases, the diarrhea is very frequent and severe. Loss of appetite and weight loss may also occur. The patient may become weak and very sick. When the disease is mostly in the rectum, the symptoms include strong urges for a bowel movement and passage of small amounts of bloody stool. Usually the symptoms tend to come and go. There may be long periods without any symptoms; however, they typically return.


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